Fast Client Formula LIVE in LAS VEGAS
Brett McFall presents the private 6-Hour Coaching Session
for coaches, consultants, and speakers who want
THE marketing secret that pulls in high-ticket clients FAST - without having to do DAILY tweets... DAILY videos... or DAILY posts of any kind.
In this one-of-a-kind 6-Hour Coaching Session, you'll be taught the Fast Client Formula - which means I'll show you step-by-step what I do in my business to generate high-ticket clients... for the lowest budget... in as little as 48-hours.
And... not a single "guru" uses - let alone teaches - this system.
"Give me 6 hours and I'll show you how I attract
high-ticket clients in as little as 2-days."
LIVE ON STAGE - 9am till 3pm
LAS VEGAS - Tuesday September 10
30-people ONLY
I'm going to train you in how to grow your coaching or consulting business to 50K per month
I’m going to hand you my BLUEPRINT that will walk you step-by-step through my System
(meaning you can go home and apply it straight away)...
I'm promising you 10-times your investment if you're not completely happy with the event
I’m going to start pre-training you right now BEFORE you even set foot inside the seminar room
And I'm also going to give you videos of the entire event AND my presentation slides too
An important message for any coach or consultant (or anyone who wants to be one) who is struggling to get clients... or can’t charge what you’re worth... or is totally ‘over’ posting... commenting... linking... writing... or videoing - just to get your prospects to notice you.
If you haven’t yet experienced my LIVE 6-hour coaching session, then this may be the most important message you read this year.
Here’s why…
FROM: Brett McFall, Creator of the Fast Client Formula
8.42am, Las Vegas, USA
So you’re a coach or a consultant. (Or you desperately want to be one.)
And you want more clients WITHOUT having to post content 5 times a day, yes?
For instance, you might help:
• Business owners...
• People in terrible relationships...
• People who have no direction in life...
• People who need to lose weight… or gain weight…
• Or women who need to be empowered...
• Or men who need to be empowered…
• Or you solve a different problem entirely.
You don't know how to get their attention
Or you don’t know how to get them to pay you what you're worth...
Or you’re tired of working 1-to-1
(because its draining the life out of you and instead you want to work 1-to-many - except you don’t know how to transition to that).
In short, you want your business (which often means, your life) to change in this area.
And you just want to know the system for doing this, instead of doing what the "internet gurus" tell you to do - which means tweeting DAILY... posting DAILY... and videoing DAILY on every social media platform available.

"You don’t have to do DAILY tweets… DAILY videos… or DAILY posting of any kind
(unlike what all the gurus are telling you)."
Brett McFall
You don’t need to tweet more... post more... video more... write more... in order to “get yourself out there.”
Those tasks rob you of valuable time and focus.
Meaning you have even less time to do what you really want to do - coach people... help people... and make a difference, yes?
The thing you need to know is, those 10-15 marketing strategies you’re supposed to be doing if you want to become an "influencer” are recommended by people who have companies that either want to train you to do it... or to do it for you (so just realise that this is the business they're really promoting).
Here is the BIG problem with the advice that the BIG gurus are giving you when it comes to marketing your "brand"
Every tool or strategy they give you is like another monkey on your back.
How can you run your business... while focusing on all of these things… and trying to be great at them?
And here's the thing - you can't just be good at them. You have to be great.
Because some of your competitors have teams of people doing these things for them. Great people. Specialists in each area.
And "great" beats "good" any day of the week.
You can't DABBLE your way to success.
So then that’s where I come in. Or at least, I might, if you agree to let me train you for 6-solid hours.
Here’s the deal...
I have a straight line, 3-step system that pulls the RIGHT clients out of the woodwork... gets them laser focused on you... and has then begging to work with you ONLY.
And the way I do this, is by NOT doing what it everyone else is doing.
Which means, I don't spend 40 hours a week just putting free stuff on social media.
Yet I my company generates over $50,000 per month in new client sales, and I only work 2 days per week.
Which gives me the business... and the BALANCE I want.
Wouldn't you like your business to give you this too?
Well, you CAN have both, but only if you do things differently.
So here's where I'm different:
You won’t find me posting every day on Twitter
You won’t find me posting every day on Facebook
You won’t find me posting every day on Instagram.
You won’t see me making videos every day on YouTube.
That’s because I don’t have to do those things.
I have over 350 coaching clients right now under my care, and each has paid me on average $7,000. Do the math. (Or I'll just do it for you: $2,450,000)
To make that happen I have a secret that very few people know. And if you knew it, then you could do the same - NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NICHE IS.
What you may not realize is that every month I teach my system to just 30-people.
I openly teach it... demonstrate it... and take questions on it, with nothing held back.
And yes, the people who are in the room when I teach it, are shocked.
Those attendees who actually go and use what I teach them (the truth is, most just go back to doing the same predictable stuff they were doing before they attended - go figure. You know what they say about ‘you can lead a horse to water..’) - they go on to earn somewhere between $10,000 and $50,000 per month.
I don’t know if you could do that.
That’s because I don’t know you yet. But if you attend my 6-hour coaching session, then I can work out whether you could or not. If you stay home and miss this private event means it a definite “no” anyway, right?
But if you could earn $10K-$50K per month, then it would be life changing, yes?
Well, because have not attended my 1-day coaching session, it means that every other “mentor” out there who promises you “more clients and money” looks like they can compete with what I teach.
From your side of the fence, it looks like we’re oranges and oranges. Meaning, it looks like we’re much the same.
We’re not.
So if I invite you to attend my 1 day training, you might book a ticket, but not really think about it too much. And you might not even show up.
In fact, if you do show up, chances are you'll be thinking: "At the morning break, if I don’t like you or your system, then I can continue going to that meeting that I didn’t bother cancelling." ;-)
That’s because you’ve been burnt before. Going to events, only to have the presenter do nothing but poorly sell his or her stuff the whole time, yes?
So I have to compete with those folks.
Because the truth is, that isn’t me.
But again, you don’t know me, so it makes no difference what I say.
What makes a difference is ACTIONS, not words.
Which is why I’m about to make an offer to you that shows you blatantly that I’m not like any other expert in this area of “how to get clients.”
Because if I was just "one of those guys," then I’d lose a ton of money doing what I’m about to do.
But firstly I need you to be a certain type of person:
You need to be a coach in any niche
Or a consultant in any niche
Or desperately wanting to be one or the other
Meaning, that you know you can help people solve a problem, but you just haven't charged for it before
If this isn’t you, then please go back to tweeting... facebooking... snapchatting… instagramming… posting... videoing every 2nd hour of your day, with little to show for it but sore typing fingers.
But if DO want real help in getting clients, then here's what you need to do...
Attend my 1 day training (really a 6 hour coaching session) for 30-people only (so you get plenty of my attention).
It’s 100% LIVE and I give away my complete marketing system that allows my business to generate over $50,000 per month working just 2-days per week (with NO hidden agenda).
And yes I'll be there in person (no-one else is doing the presentation, you get me!)
It’s called:
I’m going to reveal the exact process I use. Nothing held back. Nothing you’ve seen before. And you don’t have to listen to any sales pitch.
Good idea?
It's just $27 to attend.
You can to ask me any question you have and I'll answer every one of them with NOTHING held back.
I'm going to show you every single part of my 3 step system (called the “Fast Client Formula”) and make it so easy that an 8 year old could understand it (phew... no need to be a technological genius).
And you’re going to walk away with your mind blown about how to grow your business. Which means the big $$$ won’t be far away.
Because you don't know me,
you still don't trust me.
So I’ve got to fight through that and prove to you that I've got more to lose by letting you down.
Here’s the deal:
You’ll invest $27 right now to attend.
And if after experiencing my 6-hour coaching session, you don't like it... you don’t like me... or you feel I’ve wasted your time...
THEN I'm going to pay you 10-times your investment (just so that you absolutely can't lose).

"My 6-hour Coaching Session will be the best seminar you attend this year,
or 10-times your money back"
Brett McFall
Now tell me any presenter who’s prepared to do that for you.
They can’t.
Because they’d get wiped out.
But if I’m actually telling you the truth - meaning that I’m going to hand you the complete system that will allow you to become the profitable coach or consultant that you really want to be, then you too could be one of my students who changes their business and their life forever.
On the other hand, if you click away right now, then nothing is going to change.
Tomorrow you’ll be back doing the same stuff you did today.
And if you're okay with that, then I’m okay with it.
But if you're NOT okay with that, then what are you waiting for?
I mean, who do you know that talks as honestly as this on their promotional page, right?
If I’ve got your attention here, then just maybe I know how to help you get the attention of your prospect too (and by the way, I don’t use sales letters like this when it comes to selling your coaching - with my NEW system, you can bypass all of the work you used to do in terms of writing copy etc).
Imagine what my "Fast Client Formula" could mean for you:
> NO more quiet months
> NO more confusing sales funnel
> NO more "free reports" that no-one reads
> NO more webinars that don't sell
> NO more reducing your prices
> NO more having to compete with other companies
> NO more hearing the words "I'll think about it" from your prospects
> NO more emails that don't get read
> NO more cold-calling
> NO more "special" software
> NO more spending months on SEO... articles... or videos
> NO need to be a "celebrity" or "best-selling author"
> NO need for testimonials and case studies
> NO need for a big list of contacts
If you'd like to discover my 3-step secret for attracting high-ticket clients... for the lowest budget... in the quickest time, then... just 1-day I will show you exactly how my
"Fast Client Formula" works.
You'll discover:
> How I attract the RIGHT high-ticket clients
> How I do it for a low, low advertising budget, and...
> How I make it happen really quickly (like within 48-hours)
For the first time, come behind the scenes and discover my secret marketing and selling system.
What makes this event different?
Firstly, no-one has to listen to a sales pitch at this event. There is NO hidden agenda.
Second, you know how at most seminars you sit there… take notes… and hopefully you take home some ideas?
Well what makes this event different is that I hand you my actual Blueprint.
Not a bunch of ideas and concepts.
Instead, exactly what I do in my business every day to generate high-ticket clients... for the lowest budget... in the quickest time.

See, I've been lucky enough to coach over 5,000 people in 17 countries.
So what I teach you isn't theory.
Which means, LIVE in the room you’ll get the exact system I use for attracting and keeping high-paying clients.
And you’ll do it in a way that you’ve never experienced before.
"My 6-hour Coaching Session will be the best seminar
you attend this year, or 10-times your money back."
What will you experience?

You'll discover how I get high-ticket clients within 48-hours of seeing my marketing.
Using 10 different social medias at once, you'll be using just one.
Writing advertising that is "creative," you'll enter the conversation that is already going on in your prospect's mind.
Trying to write the perfect headline, you'll be demonstrating how & why you are the better solution than your competition.
Trying to sell your product or service, you'll be helping your prospect to realise they need to change their path.
Leaving your prospects with a bad taste in their mouth, you'll be forming close and genuine relationships.
Better yet, you’ll learn how I write advertising that is different than what you've done before, and which pulls in warm-leads every single day to your business.
You'll learn the step-by-step system which makes all the difference to attracting high-ticket clients... for the lowest budget... in the quickest time.
You’ll discover what I do in order to have clients believe in me and happily invest between $3,000 and $10,000+ with my business within 48-hours of hearing about me.
Which means you’ll know exactly what to say and how to say it as soon as you leave the room.
LIVE ON STAGE - 9am till 3pm
LAS VEGAS - Tuesday September 10
30-people ONLY
"My 6-hour Coaching Session will be the best seminar
you attend this year, or 10-times your money back."
How can you be sure it works?
Actual proof of the Fast Client Formula working is what you want to see, right?
So here are some of my students that have used my Fast Client Formula to sell their product or service at the high-ticket price they've always wanted - and ALL DONE SUPER QUICK.

Craig Carr -

Tracy Secombe -

Beverley Unitt -
Have you ever seen results as FAST as this?
NOW again, I cannot promise you any results. I do not know you. I don't know your abilities. And for all I know you won't even apply what I teach.
But would you like to know HOW these people are getting their results?
I'll show you LIVE exactly how it's done at my 6-Hour Coaching Session.
LIVE ON STAGE - 9am till 3pm
LAS VEGAS - Tuesday September 10
30-people ONLY
"My 6-hour Coaching Session will be the best seminar
you attend this year, or 10-times your money back."
Why attend and why is it so revolutionary?
Firstly, no-one has to listen to a sales pitch at this event. There is NO hidden agenda.
But second, because I hand you a system.
Not theory.
Not feel-good stories.
Not high-fives and dancing.
Just the step-by-step system for applying it as soon as you leave
You have literally never experienced an event... or a client-attraction system... like this before.
So, are you in?
If so, don’t sit there and think about it. If you want clients NOW, why would you make a decision about it LATER?
Know what I mean?
You want your clients to be decisive about you, yes? Not wait months to “think about it” right?
I mean, it’s $27.... it's not like you're buying a new car here!
If investing $27 in yourself and your learning, is a big deal to you - then that’s exactly why you MUST attend my training. So that it’s never an issue AGAIN in the future.
And it’s not like you're going to have to wait until the event in order to learn something.
I'm going to start your learning straight away with a special $197 PRE-TRAINING program.

To give you incredible value, I'd like to start training you
BEFORE we meet. Would that be okay?
So as soon as you register, I'll enroll you in my special online pre-training - a $197 value - MY GIFT TO YOU.
And it starts tomorrow, so be sure to register right now so that you don't miss out
Over 3 days, I'll give you exclusive access to the 3 private classes below.
Special PRE-TRAINING Gift #1

How I Make
$50K Per Month
When you watch this special training you'll discover what I do to generate $50,000 per month and even higher. I have a secret way of doing things.
Special PRE-TRAINING Gift #2

How I Work Only 2-Days Per Week
Why do it in 5 days, when you can do it in 2? I have clients in 200 different niches and they can all do what I teach you in this video. Let me teach you this secret that will change your work-week forever.
Special PRE-TRAINING Gift #3

How I Have
Clients On Tap
(which means I can turn
them on and off at will)
Most coaches, consultants and experts find it HARD to et clients consistently. And this threatens the long term future of your business.- So let me show you the simple secret I use to attract all the clients I need - saving me time, money and effort.
WHO is this 1-day workshop for?
It's for you if you are:
> A coach or trainer in any niche
> Consultant to any niche
> Digital Marketing Agency in any niche
> A speaker on any topic
> A copywriter or author
> Or in some way, you are in charge of getting high-ticket customers into a business
"My 6-hour Coaching Session will be the best seminar
you attend this year, or 10-times your money back."
How this 1-day workshop helps:
What does this event do for you?
> Teaches my simpler, more scalable marketing and conversion model that stops me from having to compete on price
> Shows you how I do business on my terms
> No more sales funnels and low-ticket offers
> No more quiet periods in my business
> No more proposals - just prospects who are eager to become my client
> How I have warm leads come in on auto-pilot every week - so that I have predictability in my business
> How I create a powerful offer where clients chase me instead of me chasing them
> No need to have a best-selling book
> No need to have 100,000 followers
"My 6-hour Coaching Session will be the best seminar
you attend this year, or 10-times your money back."
LIVE ON STAGE - 9am till 3pm
LAS VEGAS - Tuesday September 10
30-people ONLY
SPECIAL $197 GIFT! Starting tomorrow, you'll get access to my 3-part PRE-TRAINING.
So before we meet, you'll already be up to speed. But... you need to register now in order to get it.
Sound good?
With my PRE-TRAINING, I’m going to make sure you’re ahead of the game before you even arrive at my event.
Now, I only run 30 person events.
That way, I can reach you and teach you.
I can see if you’re getting it, or not getting it - and help you our straight away.
Then I can slow down or speed up depending on how you’re enjoying it.
Make sense?
But that means, you can’t wait forever to make your decision.
It doesn’t take long for my private training days to sell out.
So do yourself a favor and secure your spot.
Remember, you can’t lose, okay?
If after sitting through my 6-hour coaching session, you don't like it... you don’t like me... or you feel I’ve wasted your time...
...then here’s what will happen...
I’m going to not only return your $27... but give you 10-times that to make sure you actually walk away with a profit.
In short, $270.
But of course, if you agree that what I’m going to share with you can and will change your business forever then you literally stand to make 10K to 50K per month in your coaching or consulting business.
And in that case, this could be the best day of your year.
You just need to be among the first 30 people to register.
Who is Brett McFall?
Brett has been growing businesses, while systemizing and automating incomes for over 20 years.
He is the author of the 2 times best-selling book “How to Make Money While You Sleep” and also co-founder of the world’s biggest internet marketing seminar, World Internet Summit.
Brett teaches a very simple but unique system to take your business to a whole new level, and stop exchanging your time for money. Brett’s blueprint goes against many things you’ve been taught in “old school” models.
Brett says:
“In a month, we’ll generate only around 50 leads – we don’t need thousands… And because of the Fast Client Formula process we put them through, we can generate around $50,000 in revenue.”
This system is exactly what Brett teaches his clients, resulting in massive decreases in their time spent on marketing, and massive increases in their sales revenue.
He believes after creating a predictable marketing system, that there is a shift that most business owners need to make.
“Once you stop focusing on what it is you offer, and really start focusing on the result you can help a client achieve, everything changes – most of all the amount you can charge.”
Brett is well known for his strategies and techniques and has spoken alongside Tony Robbins... Sir Richard Branson... Jim Rohn and Donald Trump.
I'm going to train you in how to grow your coaching or consulting business to 50K per month...
I’m going to hand you my BLUEPRINT that will walk you step-by-step through my System
(meaning you can go home and apply it straight away)...
I'm promising you 10-times your investment if you're not 100% happy with the event
I’m going to start pre-training you right now BEFORE you even set foot inside the seminar room
And I'm also going to give you videos of the entire event AND my presentation slides too.
So really, how can you lose?
There are literally 30-seats available in this class.
So I’m sure you can do the math. Act quickly or you'll miss out.
If you truly want to change your results in 2019 – I’m holding my hand out to show you what I’m doing now that’s working consistently.
So register below now.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Brett McFall
LIVE ON STAGE - 9am till 3pm
LAS VEGAS - Tuesday September 10
30-people ONLY
PLUS! Starting tomorrow, you'll get access to my 3-part PRE-TRAINING valued at $197.
So before we meet, you'll already be up to speed!